- Liste des publications du réseau Atmosphère.
- Liste des publications du réseau écosystème.
- Liste des publications du réseau océan.
2017 :
- Evaluation of simulated CO2 and CH4 concentrations using CHIMERE transport model
- Multi-instrument campaign to improve the characterization of the vertical distribution of greenhouse gases at Trainou site in central France
- 5 years of ICOS compliant in situ GHG measurements at OPE: set up, quality control and calibration system
- Combined balloon, aircraft, and surface greenhouse gas measurements at Traînou supersite, France
2016 :
2015 :
2017 :
Journées Scientifiques ICOS France
- Welcoming address - Yves Coquet
- ICOS France in 2017 - Philippe Ciais
- Remote Sensing of Chlorophyll Fluorescence... Yves Goulas
- Homogeneous data - reprocessing and full synthesis of eddy-flux measurements ... Virginie Moreaux
- A flux attribution method for mapping N2O emissions at the landscape scale from eddy-covariance measurements... Agnès Grossel
- Crossed effects of nitrogen deposition and climate change on alpine ecosystems. Didier Voisin
- Impact of the Amazon River on the tropical Atlantic CO2 budget. Nathalie Lefèvre
- Towards including atmospheric CO2 data from the oceanic community... Penelop Pickers
- COCCON: observing column-averaged greenhouse gas abundances using calibrated portable FTIR spectrometers. Frank Hase
- Age matters: a global mapping of forest Net Ecosystem Exchange based on flux towers and forestage. Philippe Ciais
- CO2 and CH4 bugdets and global warming potential modifications in Sphagnum-dominated peatland... Fabien Leroy
- Understanding hydrology and dissolved organic carbon dynamics in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland... Léonard Bernard-Jannin
- OZCAR, critical zone observatories, applications and research... Jérôme Gaillardet
- The global balance of methane. Philippe Bousquet